Saturday, 28 February 2009

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on ..." (Act IV, Scene I)

This afternoon down to Stratford to see the evening performance of the last play written by William Shakespeare.

RSC in association with South Africa's Baxter Theatre
Directed by Janice Honeyman
Antony Sher as Prospero
Atandwa Kani as Ariel
John Kani as Caliban


  1. Hello Michael,

    Believe it or not, my hairdresser's uncle has done the choreography for this! He came over from South Africa to spend 10 days with the company and is now holidaying with his relatives.

    I hope you enjoy(ed) the performance.

  2. I went to this production about a week ago. Loved it, the african setting seemed perfect for the Tempest. I loved the puppettery and music.. and the fact that Caliban was not made into to monster... more of a witchdoctor. Looking forward to hearing your views.

  3. I am totally green with envy!! ;^)
